Contests & Events

"Cause of the Month"

Each month Dr. Bennion chooses a new Cause of the Month to highlight important local charities. For each patient that chooses the Color of the Month Dr. Bennion will donate $1 to the current Cause.

6 Month Dental Cleaning Contest

Maintaining your biannual dentist cleanings are crucial to good oral health during your orthodontic treatment. Turn in your 6 Month Dental Cleaning card after each dentist cleaning and you will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a $50 gift card!

NFL Mouthguards

The Bennion Staff volunteers at the Medford Parks and Rec sponsored football clinics annually, donating over 200 customized mouthguards for participants.

Visit Medford Parks and Rec to get more information about the upcoming football season and how you can participate.

Visit us on Facebook and Instagram to check out our newest "Faces Without Braces" professional photos, get details on our current contests, discover fun facts, and see other super cool stuff!
